Linggo, Enero 8, 2017

The Hidden Splendid Beauty of Mt. Pinatubo Craters Lake

"Let's Experience Mount Pinatubo After it's Enormous Eruption 26 Years Ago."

In 1991, a dormant volcano north of Manila discharged millions of tons of sulfur dioxide in the air when it was awake after more than 600 years of gap, on what is considered as the largest and most catastrophic volcanic eruption in the recent years.

Ashes covered the entire Luzon landmass and even reached Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and other neighboring Asian countries.Close to a thousand perished, more than a hundred thousand lost their homes, and billion worth of crops were damaged. The eruption also brought down the world temperature by a few centigrade.

The volcanoes original summit forming a caldera; at first the lake was small, high and acidic with a minimum pH of 2 and a temperature of about 40°C. However abundant rainfall led to the creation of a large lake with a cool temperature and nomal pH.

The other afraid that the weight of the watercould breach the craters walls and flood the homes of up to 40,000 people in the small coastal town of Botolan, located 25 miles from Pinatubo. So that Authorities dig 5m- wide channel from the edge of the volcano's crater draining about a quarter of the lake's volume and diverted the excess lake water to local river's. Existing lahar canyons serve as water drainage paths to surrounding rivers and creeks, the largest of which is the Bucao River.

They say that the gradual erosion of the caldera may lead to an eventual collapse of the lakewalls in the foreseeable future and the destruction of the lake itself.

"Just Trek but Don't Swim"

Today, it holds a beauty that covers its tragic past. The blue-green lake on a gray-brown crater is a sight to behold. The irony is that it is now attracting more and more people after its sudden eruption that fend off people from the area more than a decade ago.
Experience Mt. Pinatubo. A day trek to the crater will reveal the beauty that it drew. You will even forget its disastrous history.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's go here and witness the beauty of it's place.

“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.

– Robert Louis Stevenson

Sabado, Enero 7, 2017

Mt. Pulag: Bringing you Closer to Clouds

Are you Seeking for a New Adventure? This one must be on your Bucket List. Let's go and have an excitement adventure in Mt. Pulag. 

"There is no better time to live your dreams than NOW."

Mount Pulag is one of the foremost adventure destinations in Northern Luzon, Philippines. It is in the list of almost all local outdoor sympathizer even with the non-local Adventure Traveler. It is the 3rd highest mountain in the Philippines, next to Mount Apo and Mount Dulang-dulang. It is Luzon’s highest peak at 2,922 metres (9,587 ft) above sea level. No wonder why known as the "Playground of the Gods". The borders between the provinces of Benguet, Ifugao, and Nueva Vizcaya meet at the mountain's peak.

Mt. Pulag is famous for its "sea of clouds" and the view of the Milky Way Galaxy at dawn, which has attracted many tourists who wish to see the "other-worldly" scenery. That's why Climbing Mt. Pulag makes this side of the Northern Luzon a little more unique. 

When you reach the summit of the mountain, the view will mesmerize you that you can't help but sit down and take everything in. You quietly watch as the sea of clouds slowly roll into the horizon to make way for the glorious sunrise. And then you smile to yourself. Despite the winds at the top, you feel warm. You are at peace.

So what are you waiting for? Make a new Adventure in this Breathtaking Scenery of Mt. Pulag. The best part of getting  is to see this wonderful place with the magnificent company of your awesome friends-yet-to-meet. 

Huwebes, Disyembre 8, 2016

Caving Adventure in Cagayan

Let's go and have some adventure in  the province of Cagayan in the form of spelunking, with the most popular Callao Cave.

Callao cave is one of the province's most popular caves. It is located in the municipality of Penablanca, Cagayan province of the Philippines. It was named after the "Kallaw bird " which inhabits the area and whose number is now decreasing because of relentless hunting. 

The Callao cave is composed of 7 huge chambers and 5 natural skylights, each with natural crevices above that let streams of light to get into the cave, serving as illumination for the otherwise dark areas of the place. Previously, there were reported 9 chambers in the inside, but an earthquake in the 1980s cut off the last two chambers. Its largest one, soaring to a great height of 118 feet. Of its seven open chambers, five of them have natural roof crevices which let in sunlight all the way to the cave floor.

ConcrteSteps to the Entrance 
of Callao Cave 
A stair leads up 187 steps on the mountainside to the cave entrance.I know it was tiring and gasping, but when you reach the cave’s entrance you can say that it's all worth it and  the adventure officially begins here. Once you get to the entrance of the cave, I was immediately impressed by the sheer size of it. The caves are not only a wonder of nature, it’s also an archeological treasure trove.
The first Chamber is the Aviary Room. The name of the Chamber means home of many rare species of birds, coming from its several  openings as well as let the sunlight, both creating a warm, feel-good atmosphere.Archaeologists from the University of the Philippines discovery of remains of humans and tools dating back to the Neolithic Age.
Aviary Room

The first Chamber is at the very lip of the cave entrance is called the Aviary Chamber. The name of the Chamber means home of many rare species of birds, coming from its several openings as well as let the sunlight, both creating a warm, feel-good atmosphere. Archaeologists from the University of the Philippines discovery of remains of humans and tools dating back to the Neolithic Age.

The cave’s Divine Room
(Callao Cave, Peñablanca, Cagayan)
The Divine room was the second and the famous of them all. This chamber was made into a mini chapel complete with altar and pews. Wooden pews were set-up facing the natural rock formation resembling a church retablo. The area is naturally illuminated by an enormous opening above. The ray of light comes from a large opening from the top which brings the spiritual and enchanting mood in the chapel. This Chapel was used, mostly for a wedding as of now.

Dark Chamber

This is called Dark Chamber  because  inside of this chamber is very dark, it has no cracks or fissures where light could have entered. So, you have to walk slowly while watching your little steps to roam and explore around this particular chamber.

Bizarre rock formations Cream Chamber
(Callao Cave, Peñablanca, Cagayan)
Cream chamber so called due to a rock formation shaped like a dollop of a whipped cream.  The etymology of this section of the cave of Callao  was derived from a big boulder formation that is quite a resemblance of  three delicious scoops of your favorite ice cream. On the other hand, tourists will be astonished even more  if they would look at the upper part of the Cream Room. “Why?”  Some of the rocks there,  from the head of a miraculous saint, Saint Joseph and the beautiful,  pearly white wings of an angel. 

The Forest or Jungle Room/Chamber
(Callao Cave, Peñablanca, Cagayan)

Jungle Chamber named for its animal-shaped rock formations.While the Cream Room consists of luscious, but unfortunately non-edible scoops of sweetness and religious images, the Jungle Area consists of several animal-shaped rock formations such as the “Giant Turtle,” “Maya,” “Hornbill,” and a large head of a monkey called “Kingkong” to name a few.

The sixth chamber is called the Adventurous Room where it contains another cave, which is only accessible at the other end of the mountain.

The sunroom/chamber
 (Callao Cave, Peñablanca, Cagayan)

Sun Room/Chamber was the last chamber of the Callao Cave’s, it was considered  as the best part of the cave according to most tourists. The best time to explore it is in the morning around 8am to 10am, since it creates a drama between the sun rays and its walls, as early morning sun reflects through the cave’s wall opening. You may experience this one of a kind natural beauty. 

When you've been here, you will have no doubt, why it became the most famous natural attraction in the province of Cagayan. No time would be wasted as you amazed by its extraordinary beauty and natural wonder created by our Almighty God. So, what are you waiting for? Come on and let's have a glimpse into the captivated hidden beauty of Callao Cave.